Ski Vertigo
, a leading travel expert, has provided a comprehensive packing guide to help travellers avoid baggage fees.


By following these tips, you can pack efficiently, save space, and ensure a more enjoyable and stress-free travel experience.

1. Choose the Right Luggage

  • Carry-On Size: Aim to use a carry-on to avoid checked baggage fees. Ensure it meets the airline’s size and weight requirements. A standard carry-on size is 22 x 14 x 9 inches.
  • Lightweight Material: Select luggage made from lightweight materials to maximise weight allowance for your items. Polycarbonate and ballistic nylon are good options for durability and lightness.
  • Expandable Compartments: Look for bags with expandable sections to increase capacity if needed. This flexibility can be helpful if you pick up souvenirs or extra items during your trip.

2. Plan and Make a List

  • Create a Packing List: Write down everything you need to pack. This helps prevent overpacking and ensures you don’t forget essentials. Apps like PackPoint can assist in creating customised packing lists based on your destination and activities.
  • Check Weather and Activities: Research the weather forecast and plan your wardrobe accordingly. If you have specific activities planned, such as hiking or a formal event, ensure you pack appropriate attire.

3. Roll Your Clothes

  • Save Space: Rolling clothes instead of folding them reduces wrinkles and saves space. This technique is particularly useful for items like t-shirts, jeans, and casual wear.
  • Packing Cubes: Use packing cubes to organise rolled clothes by category, making it easier to find items and compressing them further. Packing cubes can also help keep your suitcase organised throughout your trip.

4. Use Compression Bags

  • Maximise Space: Compression bags can significantly reduce the volume of bulky items like jumpers, jackets, and blankets. Simply place the items in the bag, seal it, and roll out the excess air.
  • Protect Items: They also protect clothes from moisture and odours, which can be particularly useful if you’re travelling to humid destinations or areas with unpredictable weather.

5. Wear Bulky Items

  • Travel Outfit: Wear your bulkiest clothes and shoes during travel to save space in your luggage. This might include items like jackets, boots, and hats.
  • Layer Up: If possible, layer your clothing to avoid extra weight in your bag. For example, wear a t-shirt under a jumper and a jacket over both.

6. Limit Toiletries

  • Travel-Sized Containers: Use travel-sized containers for liquids and gels to comply with TSA regulations. Consider solid alternatives like bar soap, shampoo bars, and conditioner bars to save space and avoid liquid restrictions.
  • Minimal Makeup: Only pack essential makeup items and look for multi-use products, such as a lip and cheek tint, to minimise the number of items you need to bring.

7. Pack Versatile Clothing

  • Mix and Match: Choose clothes that can be easily mixed and matched to create different outfits. Neutral colours and simple patterns are often the easiest to coordinate.
  • Quick-Drying Fabrics: Opt for quick-drying fabrics that can be hand-washed and dried overnight. This allows you to pack fewer items and do laundry during your trip if needed.

8. Utilise Empty Spaces

  • Fill Shoes: Place small items like socks, underwear, or chargers inside shoes to utilise space. This not only saves space but also helps maintain the shape of your shoes.
  • Stuff Gaps: Fill any gaps in your suitcase with smaller items like belts, ties, and accessories to maximise space and prevent items from shifting during travel.

9. Avoid Overpacking

  • Stick to Essentials: Be ruthless about what you pack. If you’re unsure whether you’ll need something, leave it out. Remember, you can often buy what you need at your destination.
  • Check Airline Limits: Adhere to weight and size limits to avoid additional fees. Weigh your bag before leaving home to ensure it meets the airline’s requirements.

10. Electronic Organisation

  • Portable Chargers: Bring a portable charger to avoid carrying multiple cables and plugs. Ensure it is fully charged before you leave, so you have power on the go.
  • E-Reader/Tablet: Instead of books, consider using an e-reader or tablet to save space and weight. Download any necessary travel documents, maps, and entertainment ahead of time.

11. Weight Distribution

  • Balance Your Bag: Distribute weight evenly to make your luggage easier to carry and prevent strain on your back. Place heavier items like shoes and toiletries at the bottom and lighter items on top.
  • Heavy Items First: Place heavier items at the bottom of the suitcase for stability. This prevents your suitcase from toppling over when upright and makes it easier to carry.

12. Keep Essentials Handy

  • Important Documents: Keep travel documents, medications, and valuables in an easily accessible part of your carry-on. A small pouch or travel wallet can help keep these items organised.
  • Snacks and Water: Pack a few snacks and an empty water bottle to fill after passing through security. This ensures you have refreshments on hand without relying on airplane or airport prices.

13. Utilise Technology

  • Packing Apps: Use apps like PackPoint or Google Keep to create and manage your packing list. These apps can provide recommendations based on your destination and activities.
  • Digital Copies: Keep digital copies of important documents like your passport, travel insurance, and itinerary on your phone or cloud storage. This provides a backup in case you lose the physical copies.

14. Minimise Shoes

  • Limit Pairs: Try to limit yourself to three pairs of shoes: one for everyday wear, one for special activities, and one for formal occasions if needed. Choose versatile styles that can match multiple outfits.
  • Wear the Bulkiest: Wear your bulkiest pair of shoes during travel to save space in your luggage.

15. Laundry Options

  • Portable Laundry Kits: Consider packing a small laundry kit with a travel-sized detergent and a sink stopper for hand-washing clothes. Many hotels also offer laundry services if you prefer not to do it yourself.
  • Laundry Bags: Use a laundry bag to separate dirty clothes from clean ones. This keeps your suitcase organised and makes it easier to do laundry when needed.

A spokesperson from Ski Vertigo commented on the findings:”For a cost-effective and healthy packing approach, consider using reusable travel containers for toiletries. Instead of buying travel-sized products, you can refill these containers from your larger bottles at home. This not only saves money but also ensures you have your preferred products during your trip. To further save space, pack multipurpose items like a sarong, which can serve as a beach towel, scarf, or even a blanket.

To safeguard your health, pack a basic medical kit tailored to your needs. Include items like painkillers, antihistamines, and any prescription medications you might need. Don’t forget hand sanitiser and disinfectant wipes to keep germs at bay, especially during transit. Keeping a small stash of healthy snacks, such as nuts or granola bars, can also prevent unhealthy eating and save money on overpriced airport or service station food.”

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